HUMEN: University Mental Health league Table
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Over the course of two years, HUMEN, in partnership with Advance Pro Bono and GradeData, produced the first ever comprehensive HUMEN University Mental Health League Table, covering every UK university with 10,000 students or more. Research was conducted across 80 universities and 7,200 students, with the University of Reading finishing first placed and many internationally respected universities falling in the bottom ten positions of the table.
Premier was proud to work with HUMEN to announce the first University Mental Health League Table, an initiative which will be conducted annually, scoring universities on five key criteria, covering student satisfaction with mental health services, student engagement, awareness and access to mental health programmes, university mental health budgets and staff training.
As well as providing universities with expert advice, HUMEN will open 100 HUMEN Spaces in the next five years in university towns where students need the most support.